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AfriLabs Academy
The AfriLabs Academy is an initiative of AfriLabs and implemented under the AfriLabs Capacity Building Programme that is designed to equip African Hub managers and staff with the training and management skills needed to improve their ability and capacity to support the growing number of startups and MSMEs in their communities
Learn from ecosystem experts across Africa on how to build successful startups and improve the quality of support your hub offers to your community of innovators, startups and MSMEs. Become successful by completing courses on management, product evolution, building partnerships, fundraising, etc
Benefits of our training
Seasoned experts in the ecosystem have designed the most motivating and interactive courses for you.
Bespoke for the African Hub
The courses have been developed by Africans for Africans hubs with focus firmly on the challenges and realities that currently subsist in Africa. For the creation of the curriculum, a needs assessment was conducted to identify the specific challenges that restrict the impact African Hubs are able to have on their communities
The courses have been designed with relevant resources including reading materials and toolkits harnessed from all regions of Africa focused on training hubs to build successful startup
Practical and Interactive approach
The courses are designed to provide actionable lessons that can be applied within the current realities of African Hubs. In addition to the course content, exercises, and quizzes have been provided to ensure optimal interactiveness for better assimilation and an engaging learning experiences
Our courses are certified by Strathmore University. Hence, by going through this training, you get the opportunity to earn career-advancing certificates
555,000 €
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