Frequently Asked Questions


What is the cost or fee required to take the courses ?

Currently, AfriLabs does not charge any fee to access the courses, hence they are completely free!
How long does it take to complete each course?
Each course varies in length. It is recommended that you take the time to listen, read and understand all sub modules as well as utiilise all the resources within the course. There are also a number of Assignments and Quiz which are the

How long do I have to complete my course? is there a due date?
Courses are built so that you can learn at your pace. However, it is recommended that you complete a course within 3-5 days from the time you have enrolled.

I can't find the modules
Please sign in and take the survey first. This will help you ascertain your hub's current level and will give you access to the recommended modules.
Read each question carefully before responding. The answers you give are important as they will determine which courses are best for you to take. At the end of the survey the courses recommended for you will be displayed. Please ensure you confirm the courses on the course page. You can always return to the beginning by clicking the button on the top left hand of the AfriLabs Academy platform .

Final Assessment

How do I write the Final Assessment?
The final assessment is a multiple choice questionnaire that gives learners only 2 chances to take the assessment. The pass rate is set at 90%. If you do not pass the final assessment the second time, You will be re-directed to the information and videos in the submodules for a lessons re-take. You can then re-try the final assessment.

I cannot do the Final Assessment
All participants have 2 chances to take the Final Assessment with a pass rate of 90%. If you have taken the Exam twice and have not passed, please go back and review the information in the module. You can then take the Exam again.

How are the assessments performed?
Quiz questions will check your knowledge. We recommend that you go back and review the information or listen to submodules if your knowledge is not adequate. There are also a number of other assessments which you will need to read and respond in free text. Finally There is an end of module Assessment which you will need to pass in order to gain Certification

Certificate of Achievement

What happens if I need a hard copy of my certificate right away?
You can download your Certificate and print it locally. 

Technology Needed

What are the technology requirements?
You will need a good and steady internet to go through the Courses in the AfriLabs Academy. All material is available through the AfriLabs Academy. You can download most of the resources, toolkits etc.


Cant see the survey where is it?

When you sign up, you will see a pop up "Click here to start" at the top of the Home Page. Click on that to begin the Survey